for theatre, film & tv
Wellbeing Practitioner
Working alongside Wellbeing in the Arts, I provide mental health and wellbeing support to productions.
My approach is proactive & preventative, aiming to support cast and crew in building resilience to stress and navigating challenges. I feel passionately that wellbeing support should be available to all throughout the production period when stress levels are often high, burnout can strike, and content might trigger past trauma and challenging emotions.
As a creative myself and someone who has spent years working closely with actors, I understand that there is a real need for work like this in this space.
My support includes group workshops (centred around learning tools for self-regulation), regular visits to set and 1-1 sessions for all involved. Additionally I read scripts prior to the start of production and have regular checks ins with the team to ensure that everything is running smoothly.
When working on-set as a practitioner, I seek to provide the highest level of wellbeing support to all cast and crew and love to feel that I am a consistent presence throughout and an integral part of the team. This ensures that everyone feels held and that they have a safe space to turn to, if required.
I also offer in person or online workshops which are centred around building stress & nervous system resilience in the creative industries.
High stress situations, busy schedules & rejection are common challenges that performers & artists can experience on a daily basis and with this work they can really learn how to support themselves through these ups & downs.
I have had amazing experiences workshopping with drama school students, performers & creatives and would love to chat if you feel that this would be of interest in your space.
Laura provided Wellbeing workshops for our BA and MFA Professional Acting courses. She was articulate and considerate, and completely engaged the students in the room. This led to very open and profound discussions by all.
Laura provided Wellbeing workshops for our BA and MFA Professional Acting courses. She was articulate and considerate, and completely engaged the students in the room. This led to very open and profound discussions by all.
Jane Anderson
To contact me regarding wellbeing support for your production or if you're interested in my workshops, then please email me at:
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